This Is Janet.

Janet Montgomery

Email: | Personal Portfolio: | PDF Version


An experienced designer and consultant who leverages her multidisciplinary background to understand client pain points and needs in order to create intuitive products and improve client efficiency. Areas of focus include: user interface design, usability, information visualization, information architecture, requirements, project management, business analysis, and data analytics.


  • Maryland Institute College of Art – M.P.S. in Information Visualization – 2015
  • The Pennsylvania State University – B.S. in Information Sciences and Technology – 2005
  • The Pennsylvania State University – B.A. in Psychology – 2005


  • Project Management Institute – Project Management Professional Certification – August 2011


  • Details upon request



  • Adobe Creative Suite (PS/IL/ID/DW/AE)
  • Microsoft Visio / Omni Graffle
  • Basalmiq
  • Adobe XD / Sketch
  • RCmdr/RStudio
  • Tableau
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • Microsoft Office / SharePoint / Project / Access


  • Prototyping (Paper & Rapid/Developed)
  • Wireframing/Storyboarding
  • Mental Modeling
  • Affinity Diagramming
  • Think/Talk Aloud Sessions
  • Personas/Scenarios/User Stories/User Research
  • Requirements Development


  • HTML
  • CSS/Bootstrap
  • JavaScript/JQuery
  • Highcharts/Angular Charts/ChartsJS
  • D3
  • ReactJS/AngularJS
  • Open Layers/Mapbox/Leaflet
  • ThreeJS
  • UML
  • R


Note: Due to the sensitive/proprietary nature of my work projects, I can provide client references upon request.

User Interface and Data Visualization Designer/Developer - Engility Corporation (TASC, an Engility Company); Chantilly, VA - December 2015 – Present

  • Developed proof of concepts for an R&D team to illustrate potential functionalities and solidify project plans.
  • Created rapid prototypes/mockups for client applications, iterating with a development team to build final solutions.
  • Developed user interfaces (UI) for client web applications, utilizing a variety of technologies including but not limited to: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, ReactJS, AngularJS, Bootstrap, D3, and Angular Charts.
  • Developed data visualization designs for integration across applications.
  • Defined and created system statistics dashboards for multiple web applications.
  • Completed application usability evaluations and ensured critical 508 accessibility rules were followed.
  • Created logos, product marketing sheets, user guides, training videos, web-based 3D overviews, and demo materials.
  • Demoed created applications to management and leadership levels.
  • Managed priorities and work across multiple projects, development cycles, and teams.
  • Recognized for intuitive and creative designs by management and product users.
  • Initiated discussions with development team to better understand backend and machine learning capabilities to improve prototypes and increase efficiency in the design phase. 

Senior Associate I / Project Management Accountability System (PMAS) Manager - Engility Corporation (formerly DRC and HPTi); Chantilly, VA - August 2010 – December 2015

  • Managed PMAS requirements and deliverables and OMB 300B submissions for a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) PMO Support contract.
  • Created an internal PMAS database to capture data for 40 Veterans Relationship Management (VRM) projects and provide proactive oversight. It was created based on seeing a need for a consolidated information source for quick reporting to senior management and generation of program metrics. The database was noted as an impressive tool (estimated ROI of 500%), within the company and by the client.
  • Created tailored database reports (status and compliance metrics related) for project teams and leadership.
  • Created analyses and associated visualizations used to understand program/project status and decision making options including: in-depth financial and contract analyses, requirements analyses, and executive level metrics.
  • Managed PMAS planning artifacts completion for VRM contract. Artifacts (~ 480) were 100% complete by the due date.
  • Supervised, tasked, coached and created performance reviews for a staff which numbers up to twelve people. Also created tasking and level of effort documentation for resource discussions with senior leadership and the client.
  • Completed project reviews across 30 projects to prepare teams for official gate reviews.
  • Increased project compliance with gate reviews from 5% to 65% in less than two years and to 96% within three years.
  • Created PMAS processes for the VRM contract.

Associate I / UI Design Lead / Usability and Requirements Analyst - High Performance Technologies, Inc. (HPTi); Reston, VA - June 2005 - August 2010

  • Led the user interface design and development for multiple client workflow management systems.
  • Collaborated with the client to define scope, requirements and the interface design through storyboards, mockups, wireframes, prototypes, and site maps.
  • Designed and facilitated talk-aloud sessions and other usability testing with multiple stakeholder groups.
  • Created requirements changes tracking tool and pushed the changes through approval boards, minimizing scope creep.
  • Responsible for tasking junior developers and validating adherence to design standards.
  • Produced schedule and cost impact assessments in response to program change requests.
  • Created style guides, templates, site maps, functional test scripts, and usability testing procedures for multiple projects.
  • Developed JSP pages utilizing CSS and Struts collaborating with back-end developers to ensure a seamless integration.
  • Supported recruiting efforts via on-campus events and the creation of the HPTi Challenges effort.
  • Designed and co-led, through a grassroots effort, the redesign of the company external website.

Undergraduate Research Assistant - Pennsylvania State University - CSCW Lab; University Park, PA - February 2004 - May 2005

  • Completed research on trends, issues, and implications for Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW).
  • Created experimental designs and procedures that used usability testing (e.g. talk aloud, mental modeling) methodologies.
  • Collaborated with internal groups and nonprofit organizations to help define and enable technology initiatives with the goal to empower the groups to be able to sustain their technology over time without external help.

Activities/Personal Projects

DataKind DC – Volunteer and Data Ambassador – October 2014-Present

  • DataKind’s goal is to use empower people to use data analytics and data visualization for social good. Data Ambassadors are stewards for selected projects and wrangle other volunteers to create final products for the organizations.
  • Data Ambassador with DC Action for Children project [March 2015 – November 2015]
  • Data Ambassador with AECF Foster Care project [October 2016 – January 2017]


  • Internal Client Innovation Award (2017)
  • Various HPTi Internal Awards (Internal from Peers/Managers, Technical Achievement, Customer Advocacy –Finalist)